Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Hey Everyone,

It's 3:00am and I'm awake-- WOW. Deja Vu? Anyways... I'm used to being up until 3am by now, so no big deal. I am however getting a little bit delirious. Just a few things tonight though...

The new website is up! Yes, I know I've told you the new website is up before-- but this is the new NEW website! Michael has been working long, long hours to re-do the new website based on comments, feedback, etc. Please check it out at http://www.lamisstenn.org/circle-k/ There's a new feedback form if you have any feedback! Get it?

International Corner:
Speaking of feedback form.. Circle K International has a new feedback form about
International Convention. I know SEVERAL of you had some very.. strong comments about International Convention this year- so make sure to voice them to the powers that be! You can access the form by going to http://www.circlek.org - it's on the front page, towards the upper right.

Governor's Shoutout Governor's Shoutout today goes to Michael, for the new outstanding awesomely wonderful website (can you TELL I'm excited?) Also, it goes to all of those cabinet members who have gone above and beyond this week -- you know who you are!

Now, I'm already delirious, as I said-- but I'll keep typing anyways! Hee Hee! Here are some hypothetical questions.. feel free to post your answers on the blog, under comments. I'm curious as to how you will answer them!

1. Which is better-- to have more clubs in this district, or more members per clubs that we already have? Why?

2. Which would you rather-- more money to fund service projects, and less member benefits, or vice versa?

3. What is better-- to receive something electronically, that could be available to the masses, or receiving a nice hard copy that you can keep forever?

That's it for now-- I'll post more later. BTW, no, I am not attacking the CKI magazine or website, I am not saying that I'm going recruiting, and I am not insinuating that we have no money (although at times, we're pretty close! :) ) - I'm merely asking some questions that are kind of hot topics right now, and will help me make some decisions this year, and will also allow me to have some fun in reading your answers! That is all.



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