Saturday, February 14, 2004

Hey Everyone!

I'm writing to you from Baton Rouge, LA where myself and Bich are at the Kiwanis Midwinter Conference. Last night we hung out, went to WalMart, and spent some time with District Sec-Treas Chassidy to prepare for today. This morning I spoke to the Kiwanians about the awesome goals we've accomplished this year- and where we could use their help. After that, we hosted a session on how they can get to know Circle K ad Key Club better. We ate a great lunch, where I won the door-prize! Yay!!! Then we did a panel discusson with Kiwanians who want to be better Circle K and Key Club Advisors... now we are hanging out waiting for dinner-- and tomorrow we will have another session and come home.

Happy Valentine's Day, LAMISSTENN! We LOVE you!!!

Here are some other notes of interest:

* Our Key Club Board is AWESOME.. we've been hanging out with Governor Dru, and LTG's Amanda and Thu all weekend.. they rock my socks! We are so lucky to have such awesome counterparts... make sure that you get to know them if you haven't already. Oh.. and LSU... Dru has been accepted-- so make sure you convince him to be a tiger!

* Governor Banks did a great presentation on "Read and Succeed" - using real children to demonstrate to us how to read to them and give them books to influence their lives. Bich decides she wants to sit in on the book reading, and thoroughly enjoyed the book "my best friend." It affected her life :)

* We have had several Kiwanians express interest in coming to Circle K Divisional Rallies, events, D-Con, etc.. they have been giving us financial donations for D-Con as well! Please make sure you welcome them to your upcoming dances, concerts, rallies, and events- and thank them for their ongoing support!

Also.. I found out that a certain community college in Ellisville, MS has collected dues for 30 members! More on that later! Appears our membership is on the rise!

That's it from Baton Rouge, LA... make sure you finish completing your DCon awards & registation materials if you haven't already!


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