Hello LaMissTenn!
I've been busy working today and playing catch up so I have quite a bit of information to share with you all. First of all, you all probably know that we had a board meeting on May 9 and 10 in Ponchatoula. Below you will find the agenda points we voted on as well as the minutes. I am posting both of these because you will need to reference the agenda points to understand what we voted on in the minutes. So here we go.....
Agenda Point #1
Author: Alison Pellegrine, District Secretary/Treasurer
LaMissTenn Cirlce K District
Purpose: To determine a 2003-2004 district-wide service initiative.
1. LaMissTenn District CKI needs a service initiative that is a widespread and important issue affecting the communities in which our Circle K clubs serve.
2. Last year’s service initiative was Child Safety: Protecting our Future.
Alternative 1:
Preventing & Ending Abuse through Community Education… (P.E.A.C.E) Lighting the Way for a Brighter Tomorrow.
This service initiative would provide many different service projects including
volunteering at a local battered women’s shelter, collecting clothing for the women or
children, building a children’s library at a shelter or at a elementary school where at
risk children need a positive environment, coordinate community education with the
DV Program, volunteer on the crisis hotline, participate in valuable and educational
training offered by these programs, coordinate a collection drive for used cell phones
for the battered women in the event of an emergency situation, coordinating with a
shelter to chaperone the children on a field trip such as a picnic to the park,
participate in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters Program to mentor an at-risk child, baby sit
the children at the shelter while the mothers take part in their groups, involve the
Kiwanis in job training for the women with no prior job skills and help in finding a
place of employment when leaving the shelter.
(This alternative submitted by Kristi Storm)
Alternative 2:
Service through the Ages
This initiative would be a yearlong focus on serving different age groups during different months. In the past, the service initiative has always focused solely on children, leaving projects limited. This initiative would allow CKI clubs to work with everyone from infant to elderly. Proposed months are as follows:
June/July/August – projects with elderly (ie, Bingo at nursing homes)
Sept/Oct/Nov – elementary/middle school (ie tutoring, field day)
Dec/Jan – Focus for families (all ages, ie Operation Merry Christmas/caroling)
Feb/March/April – high schools (ie, Project Prom Dress)
This allows for a variety of projects focused on the theme of helping an entire family.
(This alternative submitted by Alison Pellegrine and Erin Dauenhauer)
Alternative 3:
Project Band-Aid
This initiative would be a continuation of last year’s initiative, but instead of focusing on preventing injuries the target would be comforting those who are already hurt. A band-aid doesn’t necessarily heal a child, but it does comfort them and make them feel better about their illness – this would be the intention of this project. It is purposely left very broad to accommodate all kinds of clubs in all areas. Possible projects include: sending “Get Well Soon” cards to children in the hospital, collecting teddy bears (a continuation of the LMT Key Club project last year), making and distributing Kiwanis Trauma Dolls, projects to raise funds for the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma institute, FACES (helping families with aids, a continuation of the Key Club and Kiwanis projects from past years), projects with St. Jude Hospital (in Memphis, TN). Clubs could also focus on specific charities (camps for sick children, cerebral palsy, Leukemia/Lymphoma, etc.)
(This alternative submitted by Rebecca Fox)
I recommend alternative #2, Service through the Ages.
Agenda Point #2
Author: Rebecca Fox, District Governor
LaMissTenn Circle K
Purpose: To determine a location for the 2004 District Convention
1. Based on the divisional rotation of District Convention, Natchez Trace was supposed to host convention last year. Instead, they were skipped based on a recommendation, and Piney Hills, the next in line, hosted the convention.
2. Natchez Trace has strengthened in the past year, and now has the manpower and clubs available to host a District Convention.
3. LaMissTenn Kiwanis has expressed concern over holding a convention too far north, given the current situation with our District.
4. Natchez Trace has not hosted a District Event in six years, and is often unable to have a huge delegation at other District Events because they are too far away.
5. Last year, the District Board voted to choose Jackson, TN as the District Convention site, with Monroe, LA as a backup site if the LaMissTenn Kiwanis deemed that the site was too far north given the current situation with our district, with the stipulation that if Monroe was chosen, District Convention 2004 would be held in Jackson, TN.
6. We have interested applicants for Convention Chair in Memphis, TN, as well as Kiwanis support for a convention in that area. Additionally, we would have much groundwork completed as Kiwanis District Convention is in Memphis in August.
7. If Natchez Trace was not chosen to host District Convention 2004, next in rotation would be Bayou South.
Alternative 1:
Choose Jackson, TN to host District Convention 2004, to be consistent with the stipulation that last year’s District Board provided.
Alternative 2:
Choose Memphis, TN to host District Convention 2004, as we have people there who are willing to host it, and it follows Kiwanis District Convention.
Alternative 3:
Choose a location in Bayou South, upon a report from Lt. Gov Shannon Tharp.
Alternative 4:
Refer this issue back to a committee, to seek a request from another division, or a particular individual to be District Convention Chair, and make another recommendation.
Recommendation: I recommend that we accept Alternative #2.
Agenda Point #3
Author: Rebecca Fox, District Governor
LaMissTenn Circle K
Purpose: To determine a location and date for the 2003 Summer Rally.
1. The 2002 Summer Rally was in Bayou South (Baton Rouge)
2. The 2001 Summer Rally was in Piney Hills (Natchitoches)
3. Summer Rally is traditionally held in a neutral location between District Conventions. 2003 District Convention was in Piney Hills, and 2004 is scheduled to be in Natchez Trace. Based on that, Summer Rally should be in Gulf Coast.
4. It is Gulf Coast’s turn to host Summer Rally, but they having severe troubles finding a location to stay. If they were to host, we are looking at costs of around $60 a person. (The highest it has ever been is $40-50)
5. We cannot choose a Summer Rally location unless we have a club who has submitted a proposal, and is willing to host the event.
Alternative 1:
To accept a proposal to have Summer Rally in Lafayette, at ULL.
Alternative 2:
To accept a proposal submitted by Gulf Coast, in New Orleans, and agree with the high registration prices, or look for creative ways to lower the cost (District Fundraising, etc.)
Alternative 3:
To accept a proposal submitted by Mississippi State University, in Starkville. For more information see Appendix B.
Reccomendation: I recommend Alternative #3, Mississippi State University.
Agenda Point #4
Author: Alison Pellegrine, District Secretary/Treasurer
LaMissTenn District Circle K
Purpose: To restructure the Cabinet position of K-Family, separating the duties of the position between two people.
1. In the past, the K Family chair has not been a successful position on the district cabinet.
2. K Family encompasses a lot of responsibility, which could be a factor in their unsuccessful attempts.
3. In order to create a stronger bond between Key Club, CKI, and Kiwanis, there needs to be representation among each particular group.
4. There is interest in focusing on events between our CKI district and other districts, specifically Alabama, our sister district.
Alternative 1:
Amend Section III, 5, C, 1 of the policy code as follows:
1. This Committee shall work to improve the relationships between all Kiwanis and Kiwanis-sponsored organizations through the work of two chairs, one to focus on Kiwanis, and one to focus on Key Club relations. It shall be responsible for developing projects and educational programs to expand and strengthen the bonds between these organizations.
Alternative 2
Change Section III, 5, C, 1 of the policy code in a different way.
Alternative 3
Make no changes.
Recommendation: I recommend Alternative 1, that we separate K Family into two separate positions and have one focus on Key Club and one on Kiwanis.
Agenda Point #5
Author: Rebecca Fox, District Governor
LaMissTenn Circle K
Purpose: To evaluate the need for a new cabinet position entitled Special Events.
1. Many other districts have the position of Special Events, and that person is a huge help in planning events such as Sister District Sleepovers, and events for other members from surrounding districts to come and attend. They also, if needed, can assist with Summer Rally, Conventions and Conferences, and Divisional Rallies.
2. In the past, we have either not had these events, or the duties have been delegated to individual clubs or past district officers.
3. Having such events would be a huge step in rebuilding our district unity, as well as enhancing relations with other districts.
Alternative 1:
Move Section III, 5, C, 2 from its place in the current policy code to Section III, 5, L, 1, titling M. Special Events and changing III, 5, C, 2 in the following way:
2. Furthermore, this Committee shall be required to maintain relations between the Brother/Sister Districts coordinating all Brother/Sister District Projects and obtaining District Directories from all Brother/Sister Districts.
Alternative 2:
Amend the policy code in some other way to add the position.
Alternative 3:
Do not make any changes or add this position to the policy code.
Reccomendation: I recommend that we accept Alternative #1.
Agenda Point #6
Author: Rebecca Fox, District Governor
LaMissTenn Circle K
Purpose: To evaluate the need for, and possibly re-establish, a cabinet position entitled Public Relations
1. In 2000-2001 the District Board added this position because they felt that this person needed to play a role in establishing a better image for Circle K, throughout the community, but mainly to the Kiwanis Family.
2. In 2001-2002 the District Board kept the position, but changed the position so that it would focus on Public Relations to the community, just as a resource to clubs.
3. In 2002-2003 the District Board decided that using this position as a resource failed, and the PR chairs had nothing to do all year. Based on complaints from the past PR chairs as well as past cabinet members, they struck the position.
4. Last year, Governor Jody Harlow created the Speakers Bureau, an invitation only group that traveled speaking to different groups about Circle K, for publicity. The Bureau chair is chosen at the discretion of the District Governor.
5. This March, at GATC, it was suggested to District Administrator Mark Mobley that we should delegate responsibility of a letter writing campaign about the Tomorrow Fund to a member of our District.
Alternative 1:
Reinstate the position into the policy code as Section III, 5, M, 1, 2, and 3
M. Public Relations
1. Shall publicize all District Events in local and campus newspapers, send press releases to the appropriate sources both before and after events, as well as send notice of events to appropriate Kiwanis Family members.
2. Shall regularly submit articles for "Inside the Circle" and "Circle K Magazine"
3. Shall assist clubs in the promotion of club events.
4. Shall work with all branches of the Kiwanis-Family and the outside community to make sure we are at all times promoting a positive image of Circle K.
Alternative 2:
Reinstate the position as described in Alternative 1, adding Secton III, 5, M, 5
5. Shall establish a letter writing campaign to educate members and outsiders about the Tomorrow Fund and work to form a Speaker’s Bureauto promote CKI.
Alternative 3:
Reinstate the position with other changes to the policy code.
Alternative 4:
Do not reinstate the position.
Recommendation: I recommend that we accept Alternative #2, as a letter writing campaign and the Speakers Bureau are very important to the future of our District, and we need one person to coordinate all public relations attempts.
Agenda Point #7
Author: Alison Pellegrine, District Secretary/Treasurer
LaMissTenn District Circle K
Purpose: To revamp the position of a Laws and Regs Cabinet chair, combining it with the responsibility of organizing awards for district and international convention.
1. Last year, the position of Laws and Regs was debated by the district board of officers and it was decided not to appoint this position until February so this person could serve as House Parliamentarian.
2. In the past, the Laws and Regs chair has been responsible for making sure policy code and bylaws are updated and followed throughout the district, this person has also served as parliamentarian and resolutions chair at the District Convention.
3. In researching other districts, it has been discovered that many of them combine an awards position with the Laws and Regs chair to help organize awards at conventions.
4. This ensures that criteria for awards is met and helps the convention planning chair in a major part of the convention.
5. The position of Laws and Regs can be useful in helping clubs and the district with bylaw and policy code updates and changes and can serve as a resource for this. This person could also combine the task of overseeing awards at convention to make the position more useful and feasible to the Cabinet.
Alternative 1:
Amend Section III, 5, F to include an additional fifth duty that would read:
Shall be responsible for coordinating awards packets for district and international conventions with the respective convention chair.
Alternative 2:
Add the duty in some other way to Section III, 5, F.
Alternative 3:
Do not make any changes and leave the position as it, making the convention chairs responsible for awards packets.
Recommendation: I recommend that we chose Alternative 2, combining Laws and Regs with Awards to form one chair with these combined responsibilities.
Agenda Point #8
Author: Alison Pellegrine, District Secretary/Treasurer
LaMissTenn District Circle K
Purpose: To evaluate the cabinet position of New Club Building and determine an alternative that works best with the current situation of the district.
1. Last year, the board appointed a NCB chair for each division in the district, and it failed miserably.
2. NCB chairs need to have a close relationship with their respective LTG’s and possess the skills that are needed to build new clubs.
3. In the past, NCB chair was one position, two positions, and last year, 5 positions, none of these alternatives have seemed to work.
Alternative 1:
Amend the poistion in Section III, 5, I, of the policy code to read:
I. New Club Building
1. Shall consist of one chair on the Cabinet who will be responsible for maintaining a list of all institutions at which a Circle K club can be chartered within the boundaries of LAMISSTENN and shall compile resources for successful new club building strategies to be handed down to committee members. and shall compile those institutions which are currently without a Circle K charter. This committee shall assist the Lieutenant Governors in targeting and building new clubs at the various colleges and universities in LAMISSTENN.
2. Each division will have a new club building task force selected by the Lieutenant Governor that will use the information from the Cabinet chair to complete new club building in their respective divisions.
Alternative 2:
Amend the policy code in some other way.
Alternatve 3:
Make no changes.
Recommendation: I recommend we look into Alternative 1, appointing an overall NCB chair to the Cabinet and allow each LTG to recruit new club builders within his/her division.
Agenda Point #9
Author: Alison Pellegrine, District Secretary/Treasurer
LaMissTenn District Circle K
Purpose: To evaluate the position of a Cabinet director to oversee the activities and progress of the resource positions on the district Cabinet.
1. Maintaining the status, success, and activities of the district Cabinet is a very big job that has been left up to the district sec/treas in years past.
2. Some Cabinet members felt as if they were not updated on their statistics, ie budget, deadlines, etc by the sec/treas last year.
3. Having a person serve the cabinet in a position of overseeing certain positions would relieve the s/t of some duties, and could improve communication with the board and Cabinet.
Alternative 1:
Amend Section III to include the Cabinet director outline in #5 and the standing committees outlined in #6.
5. The Cabinet will be overseen by a Cabinet director, appointed by the District Board. This person shall be responsible for overseeing the resource positions on the Cabinet, including MD&E, Service, K-Family, and Fundraising.
Alternative 2:
Amend Section III to allow the Cabinet to select its own leader in #5 and to outline the standing committees outlined in #6.
5. The Cabinet will be overseen by a Cabinet leader, appointed by the members of the Cabinet. This person shall be responsible for helping the board and Cabinet communicate and for presiding over meetings with the Cabinet in the absence of the District Board.
Alternative 3:
Amend the policy code in some other way to add the position.
Alternative 4:
Make no changes and do not add the position.
Recommendation: I recommend alternative 4 because a lot of applicants for the cabinet have expressed a dislike in the idea of a cabinet director or leader.
LaMissTenn District Board Meeting
May 9, 2003
Ponchatoula Kiwanis Log Cabin
In attendance:
Governor Rebecca Fox
Secretary/Treasurer Alison Pellegrine
Piney Hills LTG Tasha Hargrove
Natchez Trace LTG Tucker Leigh
Gulf Coast LTG Bich Nguyen
Bayou South LTG Shannon Tharp
District Administrator Mark Mobley
Assistant District Administrator Lenny Simmons
Gulf Coast Zone Administrator Dave Harvey
I. Call to Order at 9:11pm
a. Roll Call
-all officers present
b. Overview or Parliamentary Procedure
c. Icebreaker
II. Discussion of Minutes from April 8, 2003
a. No changes to be made
b. LTG Tharp moves to approve, LTG Leigh seconds.
Motion carries unanimously at 9:29pm
III. District Board Decisions
a. Board Shirts
-Color, short sleeve or long sleeve
-LTG Nguyen suggests baby blue with a darker blue stripe
-Board agrees
b. District Pins
-Need to order for the next 2 years
-Suggestions: Purple, green and gold; Red, white and blue; Shape like a riverboat; District name on pin; Blue, yellow and white; All one color
-Board decides to think on it and look at old pins, will decided tomorrow
IV. Agenda Points
1. Service Initiative
-Governor Fox reads and opens floor for discussion
-LTG Hargrove comments that there have been problems with Alternative 1 at Tech
-S/T Pellegrine voices concerns about the male members being limited in projects with Alternative 1
-LTG Tharp voices concerns about Alternative 2 changing so often and people losing interest
-S/T Pellegrine says the changes could also work to help everyone find a project they really like
-LTG Nguyen moves to accept Alternative 2, S/T Pellegrine seconds
-Nguyen, Pellegrine, Leigh vote aye
-Tharp and Hargrove vote nay
Motion carries at 9:58pm
2. District Convention
-Governor Fox reads and opens discussion
-It is Natchez Trace’s turn to host DCON
-Lenny Simmons comments that Summer Rally was hosted by the University of Memphis a few years ago and was very successful
-S/T Pellegrine points out that there are still no applicants for the position
-LTG Hargrove comments that it will be easier to plan because of the Kiwanis DCON being held there in August.
-LTG Tharp moves to accept Alternative 2, LTG Leigh seconds
Motion carries unanimously at 10:06pm
3. Summer Rally
-Governor Fox reads and opens discussion
-Additional proposal submitted by Kristi Storm and Laurie Brown and no proposal was officially submitted by UL
-Gulf Coast withdrew their proposal based on problems with housing
-Kristi Storm and Laurie Brown would be holding their rally in late August (August 29) and it would be very much like Tioga
-LTG Hargrove moves to accept Alternative 3, LTG Tharp seconds
Motion carries unanimously at 10:18pm
4. Kiwanis Family Cabinet Position
-S/T Pellegrine reads and opens discussion about wanting to separate the position into two positions
-Dave Harvey asks about K Kids, Builders Clubs and other sponsored programs
-S/T Pellegrine suggests amending Alternative 1 to say:
This committee shall work to improve the relationships between all Kiwanis and Kiwanis-sponsored organizations -through the work of two chairs, one to focus on Kiwanis, and one to focus on Kiwanis-sponsored programs. It shall be responsible for developing projects and educational programs to expand and strengthen the bonds between these organizations.
-LTG Nguyen moves to accept Alternative 1 as amended, LTG Tharp seconds
Motion carries unanimously at 10:25pm.
5. Special Events
-Governor Fox reads and opens discussion stating that most other districts have a Special Events chair
-LTG Nguyen notes that since we now have 2 K Family chairs, they could work together to plan these events as that is already stated in the policy code as one of their duties
-No motion is made, issue dies
6. Public Relations
-Governor Fox reads and opens discussion
-LTG Hargrove suggests combining Bulletin Editor and Public Relations
-S/T Pellegrine comments on this as past Bulletin Editor, suggests that this could be a little too much for one person and while some aspects of PR are part of the Bulletin Editor, the letter-writing and Speaker’s Bureau are not related and would be a lot of new stuff for the Bulletin Editor.
-Mark Mobley explains the letter-writing idea is to solicit financial support for the district Tomorrow Fund two times per year
-Dave Harvey siggests that you need to focus on letter-writing campaign and the Speaker’s Bureau
-S/T Pellegrine suggests creating a new Tomorrow Fund chair
-Board outlines the chair as follows:
L. Tomorrow Fund
1. Shall organize and promote a letter-writing campaign soliciting financial support from Kiwanis clubs for money to be donated to the District Tomorrow Fund.
2. Shall regularly submit articles for "Inside the Circle" and "KI News” about the Tomorrow Fund.
3. Shall create literature and handouts to be given to members to educate them about the Tomorrow Fund.
4.Shall work with a selected group of Circle K members in the District called “The Speaker’s Bureau” which shall be responsible for speaking to various groups within the community to promote a positive image of Circle K.
-LTG Hargrove moves to create the position as outlined above, LTG Nguyen seconds
Motion carries unanimously at 11:07pm
7. Laws and Regs
-S/T Pellegrine reads and opens discussion
-LTG Hargrove comments that Charlie Ford did the awards packets this year
-Governor Fox comments that there is a document blackhole and a Laws and Regs chair would help get that in order
-Mark Mobley suggests requesting each club’s bylaws from International to be given to the club secretaries at Tioga
-Lenny Simmons suggests appointing a committee to review awards and suggest changes rather than combining this with Laws and Regs
-No motion made, issue dies
8. New Club Building
-S/T Pellegrine reads and opens discussion and asks LTG’s to consider how this would affect them and their job
-Dave Harvey points out that part of the LTG job is to build new clubs and it is a good idea to have one Cabinet member and keep communication open between clubs and divisions so they can see what works and what does not.
-LTG Nguyen moves to accept Alternative 1, LTG Tharp seconds
Motion carries unanimously at 11:50pm
9. Cabinet Director
-S/T Pellegrine reads and opens discussion
-Many Cabinet applicants have expressed a dislike in allowing a person to be over them
-Governor Fox comments that having the position would allow them to meet with one another more often
-Lenny Simmons suggests this would also help them work together to understand how their positions are related to one another.
-S/T Pellegrine moves to accept Alternative 2, LTG Nguyen seconds
Motion carries unanimously at 12:11am
LTG Nguyen moves to recess the meeting until tomorrow morning, S/T Pellegrine seconds
Motion carries unanimously at 12:13am
V. Cabinet Appointments
Governor Fox recommends the following people:
Tioga-Bobby Schroeder
New Club Building-Robert Tummons
MD&E-Candace Griffin
Service-Lida Millman
Laws and Regs-Mickey DuPont
Tomorrow Fund-Kristi Storm
Technology-Michael Arcement
Bulletin Editor-Lisa Ashby
K Family Sponsored Programs-Brandy Bowen
K Family Kiwanis-Chassidy DuPont
S/T Pellegrine moves to accept the recommendations as a block, LTG Nguyen seconds
Motion carries unanimously at 9:51am
VI. Delta Central LTG
-Review of three alternatives from April 8 meeting
-Governor Fox notes that we have contact information for two Key Clubbers who will be going to USM in the fall who could be builders and contacts in that division
-Dave Harvey suggests that those two people should focus on building USM, could call on past LTG Chris Estrade for help
-Lenny Simmons suggests that we talk to the Division 3 Kiwanians at Cabinet training about the situation
-S/T Pellegrine suggests contacting the two USM students early and inviting them to Summer Rally and Tioga to motivate them to build
-LTG Hargrove agrees to serve as a substitute LTG for Millsaps and Hinds in the meantime
VII. Budget
-Mark Mobley went over budget and explained it to the board
-Cabinet Director could be budgeted to attend board meetings, something the board should consider
-Need to explain the budget at Cabinet training and how it works
VIII. Monthly Report Forms
-Looked at simpler forms from other districts
-Adopted the simpler ones
-S/T Pellegrine will clean them up and post them to the group
-April report will still go on old form
IX. Divisional Reports
Bayou South
-Contacted LSU and UL
-McNeese – have sent email and snail mail to club address and advisor, no word back
-SLU – have sent emails and called, same with Nicholls
-S/T Pellegrine offers Erin Schroeder’s information to LTG Tharp to contact about Nicholls
-6 members from LSU and 4 from UL will be attending ICON
-LSU Blood Drive is June 12 and 13
Gulf Coast
-Tulane Banquet was at Figaro’s, UNO also held Banquet
-UNO has lots of summer projects planned
-Loyola secretary is still working on MRF
-Lauren Call has suggested a rotating service project in the division, where a different club could host a project
Natchez Trace
-UTM is fixing things for fall membership push (Freshman Week)
-MSU sent in a report and everything is in order there
-Has not heard from University of Memphis
Piney Hills
-Louisiana College is not doing anything until their Fall Membership Push
-ULM has 3 members right now, has been in touch with Garrett
-NSU is doing great right now, LTG Hargrove is working to help train the secretary still
-Tech-quarter system is affecting their membership, feels there may be too many projects going on at one time and that the PEACE idea requires too much training
X. Theme and Pins
-Theme decided: The Sky’s the Limit
-Pins will be solid blue shaped like the states with a steamboat going from Tennessee into Louisiana
XI. Meeting adjourned at 2:58pm.
Now that that is settled, please feel free to post any feedback or suggestions about what was decided at this meeting.
Also, our Cabinet will be trained this week in Baton Rouge and we will be holding another board meeting. Becca will be posting an agenda for that soon, so be on the lookout for that as well. Congratulations again to our Cabinet members and we look forward to working with you this weekend!
Thursday, May 22, 2003
Wednesday, May 21, 2003
Hey there, LaMissTenn!!
I know it's been a while, but finals and moving out and looking for a job have all been keeping everyone busy. Anyway, this will be a quickie to announce the 2003-2004 Cabinet. Those of you who were appointed should have gotten an email notifying you that you were added to the LMT Cabinet yahoo group last night at the latest. There have also been some files uploaded that you will need to look over before your training this weekend. Please call or email me or Becca if you have any further questions.
And now, a big shout out to your new Cabinet:
Lisa Ashby of UTM, Bulletin Editor
MIckey DuPont of NSU, Laws and Regs
Bobby Schroeder of UNO, Tioga
Candace Griffin of LSU, MD&E
Brandy Bowen of UNO, K Family Sponsored Programs
Chassidy DuPont of LSU, K Family Kiwanis
Tommy Stephenson of UNO, OTIC
Michael Arcement of NSU, Technology
Robert Tummons of NSU, New Club Building
Lida Millman of Tech, Service
Kristi Storm of Tech, Tomorrow Fund
Todd Balden of LSU, Fundraising and Finance
Congratulations again to all of you, we look forward to training this weekend!