Thursday, June 10, 2004

Hey Hey Hey:
So the International Convention Goody Packet is available for purchasing now. Cost is $27 and includes shirt, hat, and lots of pins for trading. You make your checks payable to me and mail them to my house. If you are ordering one and have not spoken to Rebecca or I...I need you to call one of us TODAY and let us know. I have uploaded two more letters regarding candidates for International office. Check them out. We did not receive all the MRF. Please turn them in. I will be listing the members of the month later tonight. I dont have them with me right now and dont want to forget anyone.

Summer Rally Registration packet will be out very shortly. It is July 30-August 1 at UNO. Cost is $40 and includes almost if not all meals. Please let me know if you have any questions about it.
