Hello, LMT!
So.. Michael figured out what was wrong with the comments. The website that does the comments for us-- klinkfamily.com (BlogOut) -- is completely down & not working. I guess that would explain it, huh? DUH! So, we're changing comments servers. Unfortunately, that will lose all of the current comments-- but at least we'll get to have future comments. So, hopefully, ya'll won't be too terribly upset, and the pros will outweigh the cons.
Today I went and bought school supplies for Kiwanis D-con in Memphis (they are collecting for children in Shelby County- so if anyone would like to donate please let me know), and wrote my speech for the Kiwanis Foundation meeting. I'm still working on the Opening Session one. Those are always hard-- I'm sure I'll change my mind a few times before I get there, but at least I have it. Also, I attended Second Harvesters with Alison, & UNO Circle K (with a few LSU people and Lakeside Kiwanians thrown in there).. Congrats to LSU & UNO for getting Interclubs! The project was the most interesting I think I've ever been to-- we packed hundreds of pounds of frozen carrots.
Governor's Shoutout today goes to my faithful & dedicated sidekick/partner-in-crime, Sec-Treas Alison-- for once again keeping me sane. You ROCK!
I'll leave you with this:
If there were ever a time to dare,
to make a difference,
to embark on something worth doing,
it is now.
Not for any grand cause, necessarily-
but for something that tugs at your heart,
something that’s your aspiration,
something that’s your dream
You owe it to yourself
to make your days here count.
Have fun.
Dig deep.
Dream big. Know, though, that things worth doing
seldom come easy.
There will be good days.
And there will be bad days.
There will be times when you want to turn around,
pack it up, and call it quits.
Those times tell you
that you are pushing yourself,
that you are not afraid to learn by trying.
Persist. Because with an idea,
and the right tools,
you can do great things.
Let your instincts,
your intellect,
and your heart
guide you.
Trust. Believe in the incredible power of the human mind.
Of doing something that makes a difference.
Of working hard.
Of laughing and hoping.
Of lazy afternoons.
Of lasting friends.
Of all the things that will cross your path this year.
The start of something new
brings the hope of something great.
Anything is possible.
There is only one you.
And you will pass this way only once.
Do it right. - Author Unknown
Friday, July 25, 2003
Thursday, July 24, 2003
Greetings, the time is now 4:00am! (No, sleep is not important.. anymore)
First.. everything Ali said is very important. Do it. Please? Especially the part about the website! The resources part of the site has been streamlined now, so it should be 150% easier to find anything that your heart desires. And if you can't find something- let us know so that you'll be able to find it next time. (Or learn how to find it yourself)
Second.. Summer Rally. There aren't that many people registered yet for Summer Rally. Key word there is YET. I'm hoping that number will go up, and I know for a fact (because we're on Circle K time) that there are people who are waiting until we get there to register. Although this technically is okay-- please remember that Becki & the super folks at Mississippi State are trying to plan for room accomodations, as well as meals. The cost is already really cheap, and the process is as lax as can be-- please make it a little easier on them and let them know if you plan on attending. A registration form would also be nice-- with as much money as you can send at the time (balance to be paid in full when you get there). Summer Rally is one of the few events we have isn't budgeted before hand. Any money that is spent for Summer Rally, comes from registration for Summer Rally. Ie-- they can't spend your money on the event until they get it :)
Please keep that in mind-- and spread the word to let Becki know if you're attending.. rms012@msstate.edu.
Third.. if anyone has a karaoke machine-- the District needs it! Please let me know if we can borrow it! We'll try to thank you.. somehow (probably on this blog) for your participation. :)
Fourth (I'm really good at counting, don't ya'll agree? I should have been Secretary-Treasurer with my pimp counting skills) 2.. MRF's AH AH AH AH... 3 MRF's AH AH AH AH... I need more! If you haven't sent your MRF it's late! Better late than never!
#5 - Please check out the new District calendar, located on our lovely new District website (I can cheap plug too, Ali!) http://www.lamisstenn.org/circle-k/ Click on Resources and then Calendar. The calendar is maintained by Michael & your District Board. If you have any events (little or big), let us know and we'll get them up there!
Six - "Seasons of Service" is almost about to switch from Summer to Fall. Make sure to get some more Elderly projects in before it's too late! For more information or ideas, contact Service Initiative Chair Lauren Call at lcall@uno.edu.
Governor's Shoutout for today: Chassidy DuPont, for everything Alison said & more, and Brandy Bowen, for donating her pictures (temporarily) for use of the online website picture gallery. Also, to Bayou South Zone Administrator Ms. Marti Harrell -- for desigining the lovely "Sky's the Limit" theme button on the new website.
That's it for now-- I'd give you an International Corner.. but seeing as how the new Circle K website has thoroughly confused me, I'll wait until later.
Oh, btw.. sorry I keep telling you guys to comment-- I realize now that the comments have been down for the past few days. So, write your comments down so you don't forget them, and be sure to post when they come back up! :)
That's it for now... remember that today is "Hug your Gov Day!" -- I'll be waiting.
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
Welcome to Wednesday, LaMissTenn. It's now time for updates from your sec/treas....please, hold your applause until the end (if you make it to the end, that is!)
First of all, I just uploaded some very important information to the district reflector and the presidents reflector. There is a spreadsheet with all board, cabinet, and club officer info listed. Special thanks to Chassidy DuPont who helped me get that started back in April. Now that it is almost complete, it is posted. You will notice that there is still some stuff missing, so if you have those missing persons, please let me or your LTG know asap so it can be updated.
Second, the July mailing was sent out last week to board members and presidents as well as administrators. If you are one of those people and did not receive your copy, let me know and we will fix that right away. Also, the files are posted on the website for everyone to access. The mailing includes info on the Service Initiative, Tioga, Bulletin, Summer Rally, and much much more!!
Next, go check out the website! There is a link right here on this very page (look to the left, see it....good!) Just click on it and see what Michael has done to our website. It goes with our theme and it looks great. If you have additions, corrections, or suggestions, there is a feedback form you can fill out. Also, if you are not a member of the district reflector, there is a button you can use to sign up on the home page of the website. Well worth the 12 seconds it takes to fill out, may I add!
Moving on, Summer Rally is less than a month away and we need to get pumped up about this event! Registration was due to Becki Simonis on July 15th, but you can register late at an additional $10 cost, still a bargain for only $50. If you are still considering going, get in touch with her asap and let her know. All the forms you need are on the website (yes, see how I am plugging the site??) and you can email Becki with any questions at rms12@msstate.edu
And finally, the newest big event in CKI today, K Family Day at Six Flags. This event will take place at Six Flags, New Orleans on Sept. 13 from 10am-8pm. The event, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of New Orleans, invites all K Family members and friends, family, and acquaintences of K Family members to join in fellowship at Six Flags. Dave Harvey, zone admin for Gulf Coast will be coordinating CKI registration for the event. The registration form was sent to the district reflector and will soon be available on the website also. Cost is 17.50 and that is due with your registration form no later than August 20, 2003. If you have questions, please get in touch with me or Rebecca.
A few other reminders/deadlines/events to remember:
July 24 - 530pm Second Havesters Food Bank with UNO CKI
July 31-Aug 3 - Kiwanis District Convention in Memphis
Aug 1 - Bulletin articles due to Lisa Ashby
Aug 10 - Ronald McDonald House with UNO CKI
Aug 10 - Deadline to submit designs for Tioga t-shirts to Bobby Schroeder
Aug 12 - Second Harvesters Food Bank with UNO CKI
Aug 15-17 - Summer Rally in Starkville, MS
Aug 19 - St Anthony's Bingo with UNO CKI
Aug 26-27 - UNO CKI 36 hour blood drive
So be sure to mark your calendars for these exciting events!
That's all for me for today, leave some comments if you are reading and have a great rest of the week!
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
Hey Everyone,
It's 3:00am and I'm awake-- WOW. Deja Vu? Anyways... I'm used to being up until 3am by now, so no big deal. I am however getting a little bit delirious. Just a few things tonight though...
The new website is up! Yes, I know I've told you the new website is up before-- but this is the new NEW website! Michael has been working long, long hours to re-do the new website based on comments, feedback, etc. Please check it out at http://www.lamisstenn.org/circle-k/ There's a new feedback form if you have any feedback! Get it?
International Corner: Speaking of feedback form.. Circle K International has a new feedback form about
International Convention. I know SEVERAL of you had some very.. strong comments about International Convention this year- so make sure to voice them to the powers that be! You can access the form by going to http://www.circlek.org - it's on the front page, towards the upper right.
Governor's Shoutout Governor's Shoutout today goes to Michael, for the new outstanding awesomely wonderful website (can you TELL I'm excited?) Also, it goes to all of those cabinet members who have gone above and beyond this week -- you know who you are!
Now, I'm already delirious, as I said-- but I'll keep typing anyways! Hee Hee! Here are some hypothetical questions.. feel free to post your answers on the blog, under comments. I'm curious as to how you will answer them!
1. Which is better-- to have more clubs in this district, or more members per clubs that we already have? Why?
2. Which would you rather-- more money to fund service projects, and less member benefits, or vice versa?
3. What is better-- to receive something electronically, that could be available to the masses, or receiving a nice hard copy that you can keep forever?
That's it for now-- I'll post more later. BTW, no, I am not attacking the CKI magazine or website, I am not saying that I'm going recruiting, and I am not insinuating that we have no money (although at times, we're pretty close! :) ) - I'm merely asking some questions that are kind of hot topics right now, and will help me make some decisions this year, and will also allow me to have some fun in reading your answers! That is all.