Wednesday, March 07, 2007

07-08 LMT CKI Beginning!

Hey guys!

I am definitely looking forward to a great Circle K year, and I hope you are too!

Remember SERVICE is our main goal. Let's strive to help as many people as we can in this coming year and perform as much service as we are able.

Let's get A LOT of interclubs. If we all work together, we can achieve more. Also, don't forget to involve Kiwanis and Key Clubs. We are a K-Family! :)

As far as membership goes, we need to retain all the members we have. PLUS, every current member needs to invite and get at least ONE member to join. If everyone did that, our district would double in size. Imagine how much service could be accomplished. Imagine how much fellowship and fun we would have!

If anyone would like to help build new clubs, let someone on the board know! We need all the help and support we can get. LTG's will be selecting someone from their division to help especially with this. Join these committees and help our district's potential blossom into amazing reality!

That's all for now, but CONGRATS to the new 07-08 district board:
Secretary-Treasurer Gavin Robert
Bulletin Editor Roxie James
Bayou South LTG Amy Usner
Delta Central LTG Krystle Holliday
Gulf Coast LTG Justin Quarles
Piney Hills LTG Jennifer Kaup

Be sure to apply for the 07-08 district cabinet. If you need an application, let me know!

More to come soon..


Katie Pellittieri
Governor Elect