Here is the Agenda for the June 11th Board Meeting that will occur at 7pm, via AOL Instant Messenger. I've received several questions about who can attend--
the answer, really, is anyone-- although please keep in mind that these chatrooms have very limited capacity (I think the maximum people allowed is 24) -- and it becomes VERY difficult to talk/understand. For that reason, I prefer that you only attend if you've either submitted something for board approval, are a committee member or chairman of a committee that has an issue that will be discussed, or an extemely interested party. :) With that in mind, to access the chatroom, IM Becca187 or alisonatlsu. Please notice that there are three issues on the agenda that are marked with *** -- these are executive session issues, and you will be asked to exit the chatroom at this time. Additionally, you can not vote unless you are a voting member of the District Board, and if you choose to speak-- please download the file from the lamisstenn yahoo group on parlimentary procedure for online meetings.
Thanks, and as always, let me or another D-board member know if you have any questions on this.
P.S. - I have a Governor's Council Meeting tonight at 8:30 CST, if you have anything that you'd like me to bring up, please let me know! :)
Agenda – District Board Meeting – June 11th, 2003 – 7pm
I. Call to Order
Roll Call
II. Approval of Minutes /Agenda
Any corrections to the minutes from last meeting
Approval of minutes
Approval of the Agenda
III. Reports
District Administrator
Secretary Treasurer
Gulf Coast LTG
Natchez Trace LTG
Piney Hills LTG
Gulf Coast Zone Advisor
Bayou South Zone Advisor
IV. Unfinished Business
Service Initiative Incentive Award (Agenda Point #1)
Cabinet Council Policy Code Changes (Agenda Point #2)
Kiwanis Family Chairs Policy Code Changes (Agenda Point #3)
International Convention Goody Packets (Attachment #1 and #2)
Summer Rally Theme & Schedule (Attachment # 3)
District Budget (Attachment #4 and Attachment #5)
Review/Recap of Cabinet Training
V. New Business
Removal of Members of the District Cabinet (Attachment #6)***
Cabinet Accountability Policy Code Changes (Agenda Point #4)
Applications for SI and TF Chairs (Attachments #7, and #8)***
Council of Presidents (COPS) (Agenda Point #5) (Attachment #9)
New Club Building (LSU-E and Xavier) Reports
Letter from Lynsi Brown, Southeastern University***
VI. Announcements
VII. Adjournment
Discuss Training for Robert Tummons, New Club Building Chair