Thursday, September 09, 2004


Hey Everyone:
Our new International Trustee is Erin Rowe. She attends Bridgewater State College in the New England District. Erin was a trustee last year. She will be attending the Fall Training Conference so you'll get a chance to meet her there.

Don't forget the district board is meeting tonight at 9 PM. Send in im to LCALL80 if you wish to come to the meeting.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Members of the Month and Meeting

Hey Everyone:

First of all let us congratulate the Members of Month:
Cliff Nelson - Tulane University
Brennan Patrick - Northwestern State University
Ian Larkins - University of New Orleans

Good Job Boys!

As you know the District Board is meeting on Thursday at 9 PM. The agenda as well as the online meeting protocol has been uploaded to the file section of lamisstenn group in the Board Meeting Information 0405 file. If you wish to observe the board meeting im me at LCALL80 that night so I can invite you to the chat room. You will be allowed in as long as we are not in executive session.

Have a great week!
