Hello LaMissTenn:
Here we are on Thursday time for my post. Board Training is this weekend and I am sure we will have many things to post when we return. We have many agenda points regarding the cabinet and those deciding the location/date for Fall Trainer, Summer Rally, and District Convention. We will also be announcing the cabinet on the next post too. We will also be deciding the Service Initiative this weekend. So stayed tune because the next post will have a lot of Information.
Don't forget it is almost time to submit monthly reports. They are due on the 5th as always so please get those in. You should seen them to Laurie, your LTG, your Kiwanis advisor, your Faculty advisor, and me. The LTG's emails are Ralph lmt_bsouth_ltg@yahoo.com; Jenny gulf_coast_ltg@hotmail.com; and Lindsay piney_hills_ltg@yahoo.com. Feel free to comment about anything you might need or email any of us. For Delta Central and Natchez Trace, we love you guys and though you dont have a LTG you can come to Laurie and me with any questions, concerns, or problems.
Finally, don't forget your International Convention Stuff is due to Rebecca next Tuesday. Make sure you get in to her by that day. Her email is rosepetals220@yahoo.com. Also check on the e-group for OTIC at www.groups.yahoo.com/lmt_otic.
Good Luck on Finals Everyone!